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Preliminary Technical Program of WICON 2007

This technical program schedule is tentative and is subject to change!

October 22, 2007 [Monday]

October 23, 2007 [Tuesday]

October 23, 2007 [Tuesday]

7:00 - 17.00 Registration

7:00 - 17.00 Registration

8:30 Welcome

8:50 - 10:30 Session I: Wireless Mesh Networks
Dr. Xudong Wang (Kiyon Inc., USA)

A Gateway Placement Algorithm in Wireless Mesh Networks
P. Zhou, B. S. Manoj, R. Rao (University of California, San Diego, USA)

A Topology-Independent Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks
V. Loscri (University of Calabria, Rende, Italy)

A Study of Root Driven Routing Protocol for Wireless LAN Mesh Networks
A. O. Lim, Y. Kado, B. Zhang (NICT, Kyoto, Japan),
X. Wang (Kiyon Inc., San Diego, USA)

An Intelligent Wireless Mesh Network Backbone
G. Vejarano, J. McNair (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)

On-demand Construction of Multiple Paths in Wireless Mesh Networks
V. Loscri (University of Calabria, Rende, Italy)

8:50 - 10:30 Session IV: Mobility and Security
Dr. K�roly Farkas (University of West Hungary, Hungary)

Solving Incertitude of Vertical Handovers in Heterogeneous Mobile Wireless Network
J. Wang, R. V. Prasad, I.G.M.M. Niemegeers (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Energy Level Accuracy in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using OLSR
R. Alhalimi, T. Kunz (Carleton University, Canada)

An NSIS-based Approach for Firewall Traversal in Mobile IPv6 Networks
N. Steinleitner, X. Fu, D. Hogrefe (University of G�ttingen, Germany),
T. Schreck (University of Applied Sciences, Landshut, Germany),
H. Tschofenig (Nokia Siemens Network AG, Munich, Germany)

Performance Improvements in Ad Hoc Networks Through Mobility Groups and Channel Diversity (invited paper)
A. F. Harris III (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA),
M. Miozzo, M. Rossi, M. Zorzi (University of Padova, Italy)

A Decentralized User Authentication Scheme for Fast Handover Between WiFi Access Points (invited paper)
A. Boh�k, L. Butty�n, L. D�ra (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)

PWSN Workshop, parallel with the conference

10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Keynote I
Dr. Lili Qiu (UTA, USA)

Title: Multi-tier Multi-hop Wireless: The Road Ahead
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Edward W. Knightly (Rice Networks Group,
Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA)

11:00 Keynote II
Dr. Andr�s Valk� (Ericsson-Research Hungary, Hungary)

Title: Information Intensive Wireless Sensor Networks - Challenges and Solutions
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sajal K. Das (Director, Center for Research in Wireless Mobility and Networking,
The University of Texas at Arlington, USA)

12:00 Lunch

12:00 Lunch

13:00 - 14:40 Session II: Theoretical Methodologies and Analysis
Dr. Xudong Wang (Kiyon Inc., USA)

Game-Theoretic Framework for Medium Access Control (invited paper)
L. Chen, T. Cui, S. H. Low, J. C. Doyle (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA)

Capacity Regions for Multiple Unicast Flows using Inter-session Network Coding (invited paper)
A. Khreishah, C.-C. Wang (Purdue University, USA),
N. B. Shroff (The Ohio State University, USA)

Heuristics for Network Coding in Wireless Networks
S. Y. Cho (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France),
C. Adjih (INRIA, Rocquencourt, France),
P. Jacquet (INRIA, Palaiseau, France)

Distributed Energy-Aware Cross-Layer Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks (invited paper)
M. Cao, V. Raghunathan, P. R. Kumar (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

What a Cognitive Radio Network Could Learn From a School of Fish
C. Doerr, D. Sicker, D. Grunwald (University of Colorado, USA)

13:00 - 14:40 Session V: Performance Evaluation and Simulation Tools
Dr. Azman Lim (NICT, Japan)

Impact of Topology Control on the Performance of a Self-Organization Scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks
V. Mirchandani, A. Prodan, J. Debenham (The University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)

Traffic Analysis of Mobile Broadband Networks
G. Szab�, D. Orincsay, B. P. Gerő, S. Győri, T. Borsos (Ericsson Research, Budapest, Hungary)

Understanding Link-level 802.11 Behavior: Replacing Convention With Measurement
G. Judd, P. Steenkiste (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA)

NCTUns Simulation Tool for WiMAX Modeling (invited paper)
S.-M. Huang, Y.-C. Sung, S.-Y. Wang, Y.-B. Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)

Predictive Delay Metric for OLSR Using Neural Networks
Z. Guo, B. Malakooti (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA)

14:40 Coffee Break

14:40 Coffee Break

15:00 - 16:40 Session III: Link Layer Control Algorithms and Protocols
Dr. Ping Zhou (UCSD, USA)

Improving End-to-End Throughput Performance of Multihop Wireless Networks (invited paper)
D. Jung, J. Hwang, H. Lim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea),
K.-J. Park, J. C. Hou (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Analysis on Random Access Process of Single Carrier FDMA System
D. H. Lee, H. Morikawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

The Impact of Capture on Multihop Wireless Networks in an Optimal Rate Control Framework
J. J. Hyun, A. A. Syed, B. Krishnamachari (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)

Resource Estimation on Wireless Backhaul Networks (invited paper)
I. Sheriff, P. A. Kumar, E. M. Belding (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)

Scheduler Design for Heterogeneous Traffic in Cellular Networks with Multiple Channels
K. Sundaresan (NEC Labs America, USA),
X. Wang (Columbia University, USA),
M. Madihian (NEC Labs America, USA)

15:00 - 16:20 Panel Discussion

Panel Title: Wireless network testbeds - what can we learn besides what we knew already?
Moderator: Dr. Rong Zheng, University of Houston
Panelists: Dr. Robert Heath (UT Austin, USA), Dr. Peter Steenkiste (CMU, USA), Dr. Lili Qiu (UT Austin, USA)

17:00 - 18:00 WICON Organization Committee Meeting

16:20 - 18:00 Session VI: New Network Architecture and Protocols
Dr. Karthik Sundaresan (NEC Labs, USA)

Y-Comm: A Global Architecture for Heterogeneous Networking (invited paper)
J. Crowcroft, D. Cottingham (University of Cambridge, UK),
G. E. Mapp, F. Shaikh (Middlesex University, London, UK)

Wireless Community Networks: Motivations, Design, and Business Models (invited paper)
Cs. A. Szab�, Z. Horv�th (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary),
K. Farkas (University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary)

Network Selection with Imprecise Information in Heterogeneous All-IP Wireless System
F. Bari (AT&T, Redmond, USA),
V. Leung (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)

TCP with Adaptive Delay and Loss Response for Heterogeneous Networks
M. Omueti, L. Trajkovic (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada)

FCLS: Feedback Control-based Load Shedding in Mobile CQ Systems
C.-Z. Huang, Z.-J. Xie (Renmin University of China, China),
Y.-Y. Zhang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China),
H. Chen (Renmin University of China, China)

18:00 - 20:00 Conference Banquet

18:00 - 18:30 Conference Closing Words