Travel Information
The nearest airport to the conference venue is Budapest Ferihegy
( You
can reach the hotel from the airport using either
one of the following means:
The hotel has arranged a special bus transfer in between the airport
the hotel at the following prices:
1 person - approx. 53 Euro
2 persons - approx. 60 Euro
3 persons - approx. 67 Euro
4 persons - approx. 73 Euro
5 persons - approx. 80 Euro
6 persons - approx. 87 Euro
The contact person is Ms. Anita
Nyitrai. Please
contact her directly for arranged departures with other participants.
Do not forget to use reference code "WICON 2005".
- the Minibus service
offers direct transportation to the hotel, however, it is somewhat expensive
(approx. 50 Euro/person) (
- taxis are also available at
higher prices than that of the Minibus service
- Public transportation is also available: take a Minibus
to Árpád híd bus
station of Volánbusz (approx. 9 Euro/person), then catch a bus to Esztergom
(you can access the timetable here and get off at Lepencefürdő station
- the hotel is going to be the
brownish red coloured building right in front of you.
- major car rental companies have
offices at the airport
Driving directions from the airport:
Follow the signs from the airport towards the city. There is a " freeway" that
could be followed until it ends in Üllői út
(road). From here you will have to get through the city and cross the
Danube and reach Flórián tér (square) for which several options
exist. One is to take a left from Üllői út at Ferenc körút, then cross
the Danube on Petőfi híd (bridge) and take a right at the end of the
bridge to get to Szt. Gellért rakpart, which is part of the street
that runs along the Danube. Follow the Danube and take a left at
Zsigmond tér (square) to catch Lajos utca (street), which will take
you to Flórián tér. From Flórián tér take Szentendrei út (road), that
will change to road no.11, which takes you until Visegrád (approx. 50
km). As you pass Visegrád the hotel is going to be on your left at
Driving directions from Budapest:
You have to find your way to Flórián tér (square) that is situated on the
Buda side of Árpád híd (bridge). From here take Szentendrei út (road), that
will change to road no.11, which takes you until Visegrád (approx. 50
km). As you pass Visegrád the hotel is going to be on your left at
Additional info:
The hotel website is up and running (,
please refer to it
for a detailed map for drivers.